Therapy vs. Coaching
Healing is not a linear process.
This process is specific to your needs. Sometimes this means that a client may need to see a therapist, a coach, or choose to see both. Therapists are necessary to treat and diagnose mental health concerns. Coaching is more collaborative in nature. Coaches help to facilitate space for clients to process through decision making, provide information and resources, and help clients achieve their personal goals for recovery.
Clients that are in the care of a licensed therapist can benefit from coaching in conjunction with treatment. Clients that have gotten adequate help and are at a place where their mental health is under control or in remission can benefit greatly from individual or group coaching. While participating in coaching, a client may need to be referred to therapy if decompensation occurs.
Coaches do not treat, assess, of diagnose client’s mental health.
Coaches do not prescribe medication.
Coaches do not offer advice on medication or medication management.
Coaching focuses on helping clients function in their present life.
Coaching takes on a more collaborative approach. Goals are established through the direction of the client.