Should I start before I’m ready?

I can’t quite remember where I heard this phrase: start before you’re ready. The notion behind the phrases is that we need to get out of our own way by going and doing “the thing.”

I suppose I understand the sentiment behind the statement as a recovering perfectionist and control freak. Sometimes, just getting started is necessary because there are moments in life where you’ll never actually feel ready.

There is wisdom behind getting out of our own way. There is also wisdom in developing the skills needed to start well.

In many ways, I spent most of my life doing things before I ever felt ready because that was what survival required of me. I’m grateful that I had the ability to be resilient through difficult and sometimes life-threatening circumstance. What it did not afford me was the space to develop safety, vulnerability, and nuance–some of the qualities that would help me to actually feel ready. There is wisdom behind getting out of our own way. There is also wisdom in developing the skills needed to start well.

This isn’t an admonishment or pass to disengage from necessary or desired action, but simply an added perspective and maybe some needed permission to say that it’s also okay to study and get educated. It’s okay to do what is needed for you to build your confidence. It’s okay to get ready so you can be ready, when you’re ready.

In Reflection

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you did something before you felt ready? What would have helped you to feel more supported before engaging that moment?

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